Cornstar Week 7: Work Plan

This will be an entry to try and get some goals set in place for this project.

Seeing as I’ll be away for 3 weeks of the project, I’m really going to need to create a plan of thing that I need to do and when.

Some dates

  • Project start: 17th Feb (week 1)
  • Drafts and plan in by: 31st March (last post). (Week 7)
  • Project Due: 15th June (week 17)

Week listing

  • Week 1 – 7 : Getting draft design done and database plan.
  • Week 8 – 7th April – start creating the basic files that run the game. Do the front-end rendering of the game interface. Add some controls for adding seeds (just the buttons, dropdown etc, friend buttons). Add files to bit-bucket using version control.
  • Week 9 – 14th April – Create login and join screens and make users get added to database, plus read from database. create a session for logged in users and use a cookie to track their login session.
  • Week 10 – 21st April – Work more on user system and ensure security
  • Week 11 – 28th April – Add in functionality for logged-in users to add seeds using jquery. Adding seeds that take out  money and all the functionality of planting seeds.
  • Week 12 – 5th May – add functionality for seeds to grow and draw the correct image for each type of seeds plus the stage it is at based on what data the seed gets from the database. Additional tweaks etc.
  • Week 13 – 12th May – Add leveling-up system plus the ability to buy more land – land extends play area from left to right
  • Week 14 – 19th May – add friend system and allow users to view friend’s boards
  • Week 15 – 26th May – extra work buffer – tweaking etc.
  • Week 16 – 2nd June – extra work buffer – tweaking etc.
  • Week 17 – 9th June – Final tweaks to pretty much finished draft and any final additions. Final documentation. Update final online version and hand in.


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